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Ready to Snag your Back to School Shopping Spreadsheets?

Getting organized for the school year is about to be lot less overwhelming, my friend! Tell me where I'm sending these printables👇

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Getting organized for back to school doesn’t have to be stressful.

This printable features two spreadsheets 👇

  • One for school supplies

  • One for clothing and other gear

  • Plan for up to 5 children per page

Do yourself a favor and take an extra couple hours this year to get prepped for back to school. No one has ever regretted being prepared (a little goes a long way!) You and your kids deserve to calmly ease into the school year and once you tackle this, you can get back to enjoying some last moments of sunshine and splashing!

Snag a FREE copy of this printable and see how easy it is to breeze through your shopping lists without fear of forgetting something or overspending.